On the 11th Sidney Kate turned 9 months and then 4 days later, she started walking everywhere! She has been taking steps since she was about 8 1/2 months but now she is a full time walker. It is so funny to watch her walk because she is so tiny but believe it or not, her balance is great. (she must get that from her daddy)
We had our 9 month appointment last week and she is growing right on track. She is 18 pounds and 27 inches long. She is eating 3 meals a day and really starting to enjoy more real food than baby food. She is still having her bottle 4 times a day but does not skip a meal with real food. She is playing paddy cake, starting to wave and as always into everything. Sidney Kate is wearing 6-9 months clothes and a size 3 in diapers. We are loving life with her and enjoy all the adventures that each day brings us with her.